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Plumber improves your vision and concentration by arranging the pipes in a straight line for the water to pass through. Arrange quickly before the water overflows.

Create water pipes from pipes

You are a sewer repairman and recently the water pipes under the drain are always broken, causing dirty water in the sewer to overflow. To overcome this situation, you need to rebuild the water pipe to transfer the water in this drain to another location. It's not clear where this dirty water will go, but you need to move it away first before it overflows.

Arrange water pipes of different shapes to form a pipe that can carry water through. Dirty water is rising and you need to quickly arrange the water pipes. The faster you complete the mission, the easier it will be to get three stars.

Be careful of time

You will have one minute to do the challenge. During this time, the dirty water level will also rise. Quickly complete tasks or they will overflow and you are unlikely to finish.

Level select

You will experience the task of arranging pipes in 30 levels. The levels are different challenges. Use your brain to arrange the water pipes together to form a water pipe.

Ways to complete levels in short time

You will see a lot of plumbing details but not all of them are included in the arrangement. Pay attention to the arrow lines of the water pipes. Water can only pass through if you arrange them into pipes but for completeness, the water pipes must follow the left-to-right arrow. Do those two things, you're done.