
Super Sniper Online

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Become the best sniper in Super Sniper Online. Use the earned money, upgrade the gun or buy a newer gun and upgrade the money received after hitting the target.

You are a sniper and follow orders. To be able to earn money from partners, each person you hit can receive money. So get to work right away.

How to aim properly

Your task is to shoot the objects so that they completely die. A line of aim from the gun, taking the center of the shooting point and placing it at the right position to shoot. Normally, you can shoot at any position that injures the target and until they are completely dead, but to not have to shoot too many times, focus on the head. The head is the main organ of the body, brain death is complete death and there is no way to cure it.


Use the money you earn for upgrades. You can choose to upgrade the Power which is to upgrade your current gun higher with a faster firing speed, better target accuracy, ect. Or you can upgrade Offline, the value of money received after completely killing the target is higher. Or you can buy a new gun in the store, there are many guns waiting for you to unlock.